Re.ViCA aims to make an inventory and to carry out a systematic review of cross-institutional Virtual Campus initiatives of the past decade within higher education at European, national and regional levels. Re.ViCA will look not only at currently operational Virtual Campuses, but also at the legacy and impact within higher education generally of those Virtual Campus initiatives that have ceased activities. Furthermore Re.ViCA will identify relevant parameters and success factors for evaluating and comparing Virtual Campuses, based on thorough research and expert input and organise in-depth discussions at various stages of the project, to incorporate the input of different interest groups: including Virtual Campus management bodies, relevant networks, students, policy makers and a range of experts at a global as well as European level. Finally re.ViCA aims to compare in-depth studies of European cases to selected non-European initiatives in order to refine and elaborate parameters and success factors and to formulate a set of action points that can be applied to ensure the realisation of successful European Virtual Campus initiatives. This research project is supported by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Partners in this project that is lead by EuroPACE ivzw (BE) are Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications bvba (ATiT) (BE); FernUniversität in Hagen (DE); Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Koulutuskeskus Dipoli (Helsinki University of Technology, Lifelong Learning Institute Diploi) (FI); Université Louis Pasteur (FR); Nyugat-Magayarországi Egyetem (University of West-Hungary) (HU); Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO (International Telematic University UNINETTUNO) (IT) and Matic Media Ltd (UK).
The project will conclude in September 2009 with the publication of the Virtual Campus Manual aimed at regional, national and European political decision makers, Advisors, government and administration, education authorities, e-learning industry, research community and Virtual Campus management.