A week-long course entitled ‘Using Video to Support Lifelong Learning’ is being organised in the Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe in Belgium from 14 February 2011. This course will provide participants with the basics of video capture and editing as well as training on how to publish video materials online.
Aimed at enthusiastic newcomers, this course will also address issues to do with video as a learning tool and how best to use video at all levels of teaching and learning. One of the goals of the course will be for participants to create their own educational video resource during the week-long workshop.
Participants will stay in the centre of the historic city of Leuven in the recently renovated Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe which is where the course will take place.
Funding to cover the full costs of participation including accommodation and flights is available through the Comenius/Grundtvig programme of the European Commission, you can access the course details here. The deadline for application for this funding is 15/09/2010.