The consortium of the European Commission supported project MEDEAnet (2012-2014) in which ATiT is the coordinator tries to get to the bottom of this question and investigates the situation in the MEDEAnet countries (Estonia, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania) or regions (Baden-Württemberg, Flanders, Upper Austria). The results of this investigation are published in a series of annual reports about “Charting Media and Learning in Europe”. This series aims to provide a general description of how media education and media literacy are dealt with in 7 different European regions and countries.The last of the annual 3 part MEDEAnet series has just been published.
This final report focuses on teacher education and underlines several important issues while at the same time it observes the degree of diversity that is evident across the countries and regions studied by the research team. This diversity relates to the terms and definitions that are used and also relates to the way that media literacy is or is not specifically integrated in the curriculum of compulsory education systems. The report emphasizes the importance of high quality teachers and high quality teacher training, as a crucial factor in making teachers more aware of the value of media education and media literacy and provide them with the competences and attitudes to play an active role as change-makers in education. You can download the full report here, the other reports can be found here.