On Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th October, researchers and project managers from the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium and Italy joined the kickoff meeting of the European Project DICHE - Digital Innovation in Cultural and Heritage Education in the light of 21st century learning, funded under the Erasmus+ Programme, Strategic Partnership KA2. The School of the Arts, English and Drama of the University of Loughborough (UK) hosted the first transnational meeting. During the kickoff meeting, Professor Mike Wilson and Dr Antonia Liguori formulated initial research questions to draft the common research agenda for this project:
the research agenda addresses pending academic issues related to innovation and integration of digital resources and opportunities in cultural and heritage education and serves as a theoretical basis for the partnership of this project, both during the project and for the continuation afterwards.
Elements of the agenda are:
- Possibilities offered by cultural and heritage education for the enhancement of twenty-first century learning skills;
- Potential role of digital resources in cultural and heritage education, within the context of twenty-first century learning;
- Pending research questions on digital resources and methods in cultural and heritage education;
- Overview of the state of the art
Project partners are:
Marnix Academie (NL), Landschap Erfgoed Utrecht (NL), ATiT (BE), Università degli Studi Roma Tre (IT), COOP Culture (IT) and Loughborough University (UK).
(Text and photo by Dr Antonia Liguori, University of Loughborough)