A four day international training course was organised at the National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad on 10-13 December. This course, entitled “New competence for online learning and teaching: activities for online tutors” was set up to provide a capacity building opportunity for teachers under the Erasmus+ capacity building project “Blended Learning Courses for Teacher Educators between Asia and Europe” (BLTeae). Prof. Dr. Sufiana Khatoon Malik, the country focal person of BLTeae in Pakistan, was the lead organiser for this training event.
The overall course included sixteen face to face training sessions as well as online sessions and involved over 60 teacher trainers from all over Pakistan. Mathy Vanbuel and Sally Reynolds from ATiT led a half day quickfire workshop on the use of video to support teacher training which included hands on sessions on using smartphones to capture, edit and post simple knowledge clips. Even though the time was short and a lot of people took part, there was lots of enthusiasm for the topic and the outputs were really interesting and provided the foundation for lots more educational video making in the future.