It was standing room only at the Bett 2015 show on 23 January for the two LACE seminars organised by ATiT that made up the project’s first public annual meeting. This event was aimed at those interested in finding out more about Learning Analytics and how they could get involved in LACE. The first seminar led by Doug Clow was entitled “Creating an Action Plan for Learning Analytics” and attracted a very mixed audience of around 70 people including complete academic newcomers, experienced researchers, vendors and national agencies.
The second seminar led by Jan Hylén, working with Skolverket in Sweden was entitled “Learning Analytics: Making learning better” and attracted about 140 people. This session focused on examples and experiences with the inputs of Michael van Wetering from Kennisnet in the Netherlands, Doug Clow, Senior Lecturer, Open University and Peter Karlberg, National Agency for Education in Sweden all talking about practical experiments and experiences in using learning analytics in different contexts. Read more about the seminars and the work of LACE here.