The 8 entries shortlisted for the MEDEA Awards 2016 have just been announced, they are Apprendre l'anglais avec les Tutos de Huito by Stéven Huitorel, France, Labhair Linn! Cabhraigh Linn! - Speak with Us! Support Us! by Edel Crosbie, Ireland, La Moselle ensauvagée by Université de Lorraine, France, Magna Carta & the Emergence of Parliament by the National Archives of the UK, Multimedia Wismo by Nadasdy Film, Switzerland, PopuLLar - Motivating secondary school students to learn languages through their music by partners in UK, Spain, Turkey, Czech Republic, Germany and Italy, Science Bits by International Science Teaching Foundation and Science Bits, Spain and Walking through the nature by Aleksandra Andonoska, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Join us for Media & Learning 2016 for a feast of discussions, demonstrations, networking opportunities and inspiring presentations on media education and media literacy, check out our programme here.