ATiT staff met with Web2LLP project partners last week on 1-2 March 2012 for the Web2LLP Kick-Off Meeting hosted by DICA-lab in one of the campuses of the University of Luxembourg in Luxembourg City.
Web2LLP aims to boost dissemination strategies of LLP projects through providing personalised support and training about integrating social media, as well as through identifying best-practices and sharing resources. Following a pilot training, ATiT will organise a face-to-face training and five two-hour online (videoconferencing) sessions aimed at current and potential LLP project managers in the beginning of 2013. The face-to-face week-long training will be organised in Leuven, Belgium and a grant to cover the full costs of participation including accommodation and flights is available through the Comenius/Grundtvig programme of the European Commission.
ATiT is also responsible for the project dissemination and will publish the project website soon. You can already subscribe to the Twitter Channel and join our Diigo group where we share related resources. Web2LLP is funded with support from the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme.