The ALT (Association for Learning Technology) conference took place this year from 7-9 September in Nottingham, UK and attracted over 500 people to what is probably one of Europe's leading academic conferences on educational techology attracting more and more participants and members from non-UK organisations.
ALT this year offered a terrific mix of provocative presentations, really stimulating discussions and workshop sessions and a rich mix of networking opportunities. Despite the general atmosphere of doom and gloom in the UK Higher Education sector, ALT-C was awash with new initiatives, innovative developments and a great sense that education technology held the key to many of the challenges facing universities.
Sally Reynolds was there to highlight the MEDEA Awards and the Media & Learning Brussels 2010 conference as well as to promote the Media in Education Newsletter. She was also there to explore opportunities for collaboration particularly in relation to the use of media in teaching and learning. Interest in the use of video is high within the ALT community where a new Video in Teaching & Learning special interest group was launched this year. This year the ALT conference also included the Epigeum video awards, now into its third year.