Social media are increasingly important for Lifelong Learning Programme projects as they provide important validation and verification channels. The Web2LLP project is organising face-to-face and online courses on web strategies and social media for managers and members of LLP projects. The week long face-to-face course will take place in Leuven, Belgium on 18 – 23 February 2013 and you can apply for funding to your LLP national agency by September 2012.The online courses will be held in February – July 2013. These 10 hour courses organised in 5 modules of 2 hours each are available in English, French or Italian and will be backed up by an online help desk and support service. Furthermore, to help better understand your training needs in respect to social media, you are invited to complete a very short questionnaire which will take no more than 5 minutes to fill in. Find out more from the Web2LLP website