The Fit to Belong project kick-off meeting was held in Manchester on 16-17 January 2020. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Pamela Qualter from Manchester University. The intense day-long meetings involved partner presentations, overall project study, re-planning of the project timeline and discussions on project activities. Future transnational meeting dates were appointed; the tasks to be completed until the next meeting were defined and discussed in detail.
This meeting has initiated the work on the first intellectual output. Until the next one, psychologists or counsellors in partner schools and youth centres will conduct interviews with adolescents about loneliness experiences. The data from this research will be analysed by the academics and the results will form the basis of the other intellectual outputs and project activities.
The in-house lunch and coffee breaks allowed partners a good chance of friendly chat. The university building was easily accessible for participants, also for evening activities. Therefore, although the programme was busy, the comfort of the logistics contributed to making it a pleasant experience for all partners. More information about the Fit to belong Project on the Project Web site.