MEDEAnet and Canon Cultuurcel from the Flemish Ministry of Education organised on 26th of November a Workshop on Use of audiovisual archive material in the class room, specially aimed at teachers special needs elementary education. This well attended workshop was introduced by Dirk Terryn from Canon Cultuurcel. Dalida Van Dessel (Beeld en Geluid Nederland) kicked off the meeting talking about the use of media in the class room, giving practical tips and tricks for the use of audiovisual resources in the teaching practice based on the experience built up in Beeld en Geluid. Leen De Bruyn from the Vlaams Instituut voor Archivering VIAA then introduced Testbeeld, the Flemish audiovisual archive material in the class room. During a hands on session, all participants got an opportunity to work with Testbeeld en provide feedback, ideas and comments about this new platform. More info about the platform presented to day on Testbeeld, Beeld en Geluid and Werkvormenplanner which was launched today.