The first online social media course for LLP project managers the Web2LLP project organised attracted 35 people who attended one or more sessions. This course delivered in Italian consisted of online preparation tasks and 5 webinars that were conducted from 4 June to 2 July 2013. The course organiser PIXEL, with support from ATiT, organised this webinar series so that managers of lifelong projects could find out how to set up a web strategy and communication plan, discover different social media tools and how to manage them and analyse their impact. Other topics included sharing online content (through curation), and the final session consisted of a round-table with 3 experienced managers who described how they used social media and how they solved common issues when implementing social media to disseminate their work in LLP projects. View the recordings and presentations of this course here.
If you would like to participate in the English course (4 September – 2 October) or the French course (6 September – 4 October), you can register for one or more sessions for the English course and for the French course via the project website. You will receive an automatic e-mail with the webinar link(s).