On 31st of December 2023 ATiT started a new project called Read with MEE. Read with MEE focuses on the advancement of key literacy skills & equitable educational opportunities for multilingual children (2-6 y/o), especially those belonging to a national/regional/migrant/refugee minority, by inclusion of their linguistic skills in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). It addresses a gap in inclusive multilingual literacy development and aims to: increase knowledge; support implementation in ECEC and at home; develop positive attitudes towards linguistic diversity and home languages. Other partners in this Erasmus+ Project co-funded by teh European Commission are Stichting Fryske Akademy, NHL Stenden Hogeschool, *D Games BV, Trinity College Dublin, Universidad de Pais Vasco. ATiT's role will be the development of an online repository with early childhood reading materials and the production of a number of video case studies.